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Jojug Marjanli: the first day of school in liberated settlement
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
15 September, 2017

The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov called the first day of school in Jojug Marjanli after 24 years as a historic event.
After 24 years, school bell rang in liberated Jojug Marjanli village of Jabrail region. Ceremony held in Jojug Marjanli village senior secondary school, on the occasion of Knowledge Day was attended by officials of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs, Social Development Fund for Internally Displaced Persons, Ministry of Education, and Executive Powers of Jabrail and Khojavand regions, representatives of Turkey and Azerbaijan Businessmen and Industrialists Public Association, Youth Aid Foundation and public members, residents of the settlement, heads of relevant construction companies, parents and businessmen. Before the official part of the event, an artistic programme prepared by the Cultural Department of Jabrayil region was demonstrated in the festively decorated courtyard of the school.
Director of the school Zamin Haziyev opened the ceremony that began with the national anthem of Azerbaijan and said that up to 60 students will be trained by 16 teachers in Jojug Marjanli village senior secondary school named after martyr Novruz Aslanov. On the eve of Knowledge Day, the school and the students were provided with textbooks, methodological tools, fiction books, school uniforms, sport uniforms, teaching aids by the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs, Ministry of Education, Binagadi district organization of New Azerbaijan Party, Knowledge Foundation, Youth Aid Foundation, "Evolution and Integration" Public Union, Baku Sewing House.
The Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chairman of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs Ali Hasanov also congratulated the teachers and students, wished them success in education. He noted that, even if Jojug Marjanli village was occupied by the enemy in 1993, it was liberated a year later, during successful Horadiz operation led by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev on January 6. But since Lalatapa hill was under the control of Armenians, it was impossible to live here.
Only the liberation of Lalatapa hill in April battles of 2016 eliminated the existing threat. In accordance with the Order of the President Ilham Aliyev on restoration of Jojug Marjanli village, at the first stage 50 private houses, school, a mosque similar to Shusha mosque were built and put into operation of the residents.
It was highlighted that, being forced to leave their homeland when Jojug Marjanli was occupied, Ogtay Haziyev’s family returned back to their native lands after the liberation. He has been living with his family members in his native village for 23 years and he was an example of citizenship, an example of commitment to the land, homeland, and state. When the President Ilham Aliyev participated in the opening ceremony of the settlement, he met with O.Haziyev’s family members and awarded first-degree “Labor” order to him. Speaking about the visit of the President to Jojug Marjanli, A.Hasanov mentioned that the head of our state came to the school and met with a group of students of military schools here. A student from Jojug Marjanli reported to the President. At that time, President Ilham Aliyev was very happy. He saw that the modern Azerbaijani youth has a very high military patriotism. He felt pride and was sure once again that, these young people were able to liberate the occupied lands at any time by his instructions. During his visit, the President reviewed the mosque similar to Shusha mosque which was built on his initiative. He gave the whole world a message that, the Azerbaijani people are very loyal to their religion and tradition. The construction of the mosque similar to Shusha mosque in Jojug Marjanli was also meant that, one day the mosques under the occupation currently will be restored too.
Ali Hasanov called the first day of school in Jojug Marjanli after 24 years as a historic event. It was noted that, Jojug Marjanli is a glorious page in history of Azerbaijan in general. If we look at the last 200 years, we will see that our lands were ever occupied. For the first time in this process, the occupied lands began to be liberated. By the instructions of the President, the visits of ambassadors of foreign countries, representatives of press agencies to Jojug Marjanli were organized. The entire world is talking about Jojug Marjanli for one year. The Great Leader Heydar Aliyev wrote this history in 1993. The4 President Ilham Aliyev and the First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva continue writing this history decently. A book and a film were made about Jojug Marjanli by the instructions of the President. It will be presented in coming days. Works in this direction will continue. It was highlighted that, today along with the President Ilham Aliyev, the First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva also provides maximum attention and care to the resolution of the problems of the refuges and IDPs. Making a speech in the event, a respected person in the village Fazil Aslanov and a teacher of the school Saida Guliyeva expressed their gratitude to the head of our state for this attention and care.
Then, a composition as presented by the school students. After 24 years, students holding followers in their hands moved to the classrooms under the sound of school bell rang in Jojug Marjanli School.
Attending the ceremony, the visitors reviewed the conditions created in the school. It should be noted that, in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Education, the first lesson in the current study year was devoted to the theme of “Jojug Marjanli-Beginning of the historical return”.
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