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Companies of Japan are interested in investing in non-oil sector of Azerbaijan
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
02 MAY, 2016
The Deputy Prime Minister, the chairman of the State Committee for Deals of Refugees and IDPs, chairman of Republican Commission on International Humanitarian Mr. Ali Hasanov met with the ambassador of Japan to Azerbaijan, Tsuguo Takahashi on May 2.
Ali Hasanov noted the existence of high-level relationship between Azerbaijan and Japan. Describing Azerbaijan and Japan as friendly countries deputy prime minister expressed his confidence in further development of mutual cooperation.
Providing information on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflicts deputy prime minister stated that 20 percent of Azerbaijani territories was occupied and more than 1 million compatriots became refugees and IDPs in the issue of Armenia’s military aggression. He mentioned that fair position of our country obtained further support in the issue of deliberate policy of the President Ilham Aliyev and emphasized developing prestige of Azerbaijan in the international arena as well. The problem hasn’t been solved yet due to the non-constructive position of Armenia that ignores resolutions of authoritative international organizations. Ali Hasanov gave information about the works implemented by the President Ilham Aliyev and international organizations for the improvement of social and living conditions of refugees and IDPs. Speaking about the importance of the international organizations’ assistance, credits as well as Japan’s technical cooperation and grant projects provided for improvement of social conditions of refugees and IDPs in the first years of independence deputy prime minister emphasized sustainable development of economy of Azerbaijan as well. 94 modern settlements and blocks were constructed and social conditions of 243 thousand refugees and IDPs were improved. He mentioned that humanitarian programs were realized for IDPs displaced from native lands in the issue of conflict.
Deputy Prime Minister stated that, currently our lands under the occupation are used for the transportation of narcotic drugs by Armenians, narcotic plant cultivation and as well as the uncontrolled zone for transnational crime and narcotic drugs are processed in special laboratories in these territories and sent to the various countries.
The delegation of Azerbaijan announced the fact about engaging of Armenia with such crime to the world community which is dangerous for the whole world during the 30th Special Session on World Drug Problem and fight with this of UN General Assembly.
But unfortunately serious pressure is not put in order to prevent such illegal actions and sanction is not applied against aggressive Armenia not following the resolutions adopted by the international agencies.
He also expressed gratitude to the Japan for helping to solve the problems of Azerbaijani refugees and internally displaced persons with international humanitarian organizations that represent this country.
He also mentioned that, as a result of the provocative attacks of aggressive Armenia our territories in the contact line were fired regularly and as a result of this damage caused to the IDPs and local residents, houses were destroyed and residents were killed among the civilian population. The Deputy Prime minister mentioned at the meeting: Aggressive Armenian armed forces which occupied our territories attacked on our positions in the line of contact at the recent days and as a result of this our armed forces and civilians were killed. Such kind of their acts of provocation is condemned by the several countries and international organizations. I think that, the international organizations should carry out practical, concrete works related to the withdrawal from the occupied Azerbaijani territories of Armenian armed forces. At the meeting of Security Council Mr. President also emphasized that the Azerbaijani army has decently responded to the provocative attack of Armenians in the line of contact on April 2 and gained a great victory. So after that all the provocations of the enemy will not remain unanswered.
Because Azerbaijani army is capable of it. Armenia doesn’t want peace and doesn’t want to be withdrawn from the occupied lands and its all efforts were directed to maintain status quo to the maximum. Armenia has violated all international norms. At the same time Mr. President mentioned: “We want to solve the problem peacefully. We don’t want war and bloodshed
So, 16 people were killed, 40 people were injured out of IDPs, 228 apartments resided by IDPs were damaged, 43 houses out of them were completely and 185 houses were partially destroyed and about 235 cattle were perished.
It was mentioned that, the restoration of destroyed apartments will begin from tomorrow and the residents will return back to their apartments.
Ali Hasanov also stated that, the visit of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev and Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva to the regions on the contact line and their meeting with soldiers and officers, residents of frontier villages and IDPs created great enthusiasm among the population and increased the confidence in victory.
At the meeting also broad discussions were made on the next visit of the staff led by the head of the “Fuji Optical” Co.Ltd. company of Japan, world famous ophthalmologist Akio Kanaini who was awarded with International “Nansen Refugee Award” in 2006 on the eye exams and glasses distribution for IDPs, refugees and low-income people with the promotion and organization of the Representative Office of UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Azerbaijan as well as the support of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Ali Hasanov recalled his official visit to Japan, meetings, as well as his being in the enterprise of “Fuji Optical Co.LTD” company in Sapporo city and stated that all conditions will be created by the Government of Azerbaijan in order to successfully carry out the next visit of this good mission under the leadership of Akoi Kanaini and this is the greatest example of the humanity and kindness.
Deputy Prime Minister emphasized that this mission visiting our country every year from 2005 has totally spent up to 2 million USD to carry out its activity in Azerbaijan.
Up to 43 thousand high-quality optical glasses and other items were brought to the country as a donation to the activities of UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Azerbaijan and distributed to the refugees, IDPs and low0income people.
In general, more than 22 thousand refugees, IDPs and low-income people benefited from the services of free eye exams organized by the relevant center of Representative Office of UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Azerbaijan in collaboration with the local authorities.
The ambassador of Japan to Azerbaijan, Tsuguo Tahashi stated that Azerbaijan achieved rapid economic growth by using energy resources efficiently in despite of hard period passed after gaining independence in 1991.
Ambassador noted that Azerbaijan strengthened in political sphere by functioning not only in the international arena but also as a member of UN Security Council. Besides companies of Japan are taking an active part in the development of oil fields of Azerbaijan rich in natural resources and pipeline construction. Ambassador expressed his confidence in the further development of relations between Japan and Azerbaijan in all spheres as well as in political, economic and humanitarian fields.
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