"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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Projects of international humanitarian organizations are on the top of the agenda for Azerbaijan.
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 14 March, 2016
Deputy Prime Minister, the Chairman of the State Committee on Affairs of Refugees and IDPs, the Chairman of the Republican Commission on the International Humanitarian Aid Ali Hasanov has met with the acting UNDP Resident Representative Erchan Murat. At the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister highly appreciated successful diplomatic activity of Ercan Murat in Azerbaijan, expressed satisfaction with the level of cooperation between Azerbaijan and the UN, the practical implementation of various significant projects and wished the diplomat success in further activity. At the meeting, it was emphasized that relations between the government of Azerbaijan and UN agencies were established on good bases and have entered a new stage of development, the evidence of which is election of Azerbaijan as a full member of Executive Committee of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). It has been noted that the Azerbaijani government has done a great job for solution of the problems of refugees and displaced persons in the country. All these were highly appreciated both by the UNHCR and other officials who consider that experience of Azerbaijan can be an example for the countries facing similar problems. Deputy Prime Minister, expressed his gratitude for the humanitarian and development projects implemented by the International Humanitarian and Development Organizations operating in our country associated with our compatriots who have been displaced from their native lands as a result of the conflict and mentioned that totally 1 billion dollars were spent up to now for the social defence of refugees and internally displaced persons by the international organizations operating in our country. Funds in the amount of 300 million dollars were allocated for the humanitarian and development projects in Azerbaijan by UN agencies up to now and 110 million dollars from this through the representation of the UN World Food Program in Azerbaijan, 100 million dollars through the representation of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees in Azerbaijan and other remaining funds by other UN agencies were spent for the various humanitarian and development projects. Ali Hasanov in particular, said: “As a result of the successful policy pursued by President Ilham Aliyev, today Azerbaijan quickly develops and has turned into one of the authoritative countries of the world. In the UN documents Azerbaijan takes an important place among the quickly developing countries. Tolerance in Azerbaijan where in the goodwill conditions reside the representatives of various people and nations, is an example for the world. Today, Azerbaijan is recognized as a country realizing global projects and holding important events directed to the solution of universal problems. The Deputy Prime Minister expressed gratitude to the international humanitarian organizations and the organizations of development operating in the country in connection with the Azerbaijani compatriots who were ousted from their native lands as a result of the conflict for the projects on humanitarian development realized by them. At the meeting Ali Hasanov has stated that Azerbaijan is in the spotlight of the world. Over the past 12 years, Azerbaijan has developed rapidly and become one of the world's leading countries under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev. Azerbaijan economy is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Our country is in the leading position in the world over the past five years, according to the growth rate of gross domestic product. Current tolerance in Azerbaijan living various people and nations in friendly atmosphere are cited as examples to the world. The Deputy Prime Minister saying our country is pursuing an independent policy emphasized that now Azerbaijan is in the centre of attention in the world. Today, we are not recognized as a country of oil and gas, but as a country realizing global projects and hosting essential events towards the solution of universal problems. We can show as an example “Eurovision” song contest, First European Olympic Games held in Baku for the first time, international dialogue forums and many other similar events. The Deputy Prime Minister with appreciation remembered meetings with resident coordinators of the UN in Azerbaijan, noting that UN agencies were the most authoritative structures among the international organizations functioning in the country within 20 years. The sides also had comprehensive exchange of views on the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the problem of refugees and IDPs, improvement of their plight. Ali Hasanov gave detailed information to the guests about Azerbaijani realities, Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the history of the problem and the status of refugees and internally displaced persons in our country. Noting that our country has faced with a serious problem as the Armenian-Azerbaijani, Nagorno-Karabakh conflict after the restoration of independence and no progress has been able to achieve for settlement of the conflict till now, Ali Hasanov has mentioned that he expressed his regret that world community and powerful countries does not take advantage of influence and pressure to aggressor Armenia and shut their eyes to the restoration of justice and 1 million 200 thousand of our compatriots are suffering from all of them. Deputy Prime Minister has stressed that UN Security Council has adopted four resolutions on the liberation of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan and the return of refugees and internally displaced persons to their native lands. Armenia's aggressive policy has also been condemned in the decisions and resolutions adopted by OSCE, PACE, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the Non-Aligned Movement and other international organizations. Unfortunately, these decisions and resolutions are still on paper. Ignoring the demands of the international community, Armenia continues its illegal activities in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan. The Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group which was created for the peaceful settlement of Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorno Karabakh conflict, regularly deal with this issue, but there is no consequence of their activities. Main reason for this is Armenia's non-constructive position and attempts to keep the conflict in a frozen situation. Ali Hasanov has also noted that this situation is very dangerous for the whole region. Therefore, international organizations dealing with the solution of the conflict for a long time and the leading countries of the world represented in the OSCE Minsk Group should ensure the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan and should be able to achieve the restoration of peace and justice in the region. Unless, these states should step aside and Azerbaijan and Armenia must solve this problem by themselves alone. Because these people have lived in the neighborhood for 200 years and they should live hereafter.
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