"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 1393
The implementation of new social projects began for the schools for the internally displaced persons in Azerbaijan.
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 04 February, 2016
On February 3, the presentation ceremony of social project “Creativity of Astrid Lindgren in Azerbaijani language” was held in the camp for displaced persons in Masazir settlement. The project was carried out with the organization of State Committee on Deals of Refugees and internally displaced persons and The Embassy of Sweden in Azerbaijan. Deputy Chairman State Committee Fuad Huseynov stated that, the project covering all regions of Azerbaijan includes 610 schools for the refugees and internally displaced persons. The schools will be provided with 9 books of Swedish writer Astrid Lindgren translated into Azerbaijani language. The purpose of the project is to encourage the schoolchildren who are the refugees and internally displaced persons. At the same time, the project will help the dissemination of information in Sweden about the condition of the refugees and internally displaced persons in Azerbaijan. It was emphasized that, discussions among the experts on children's literature and the implementation of other projects of mutual interest will contribute to the strengthening of cultural relations between Azerbaijan and Sweden. It was stated that, the Embassy of Sweden in Azerbaijan will take a number of steps to present Azerbaijani children’s literature to the more to a wider audience. We can show the support for the inclusion of the relevant organizations of Azerbaijan to the list of the agencies which are able to present as a candidate to the well–known international children’s literature around the world dedicated in memory of Astrid Lindgren can be example for this. At the end of the event, plays were presented by the internally displaced children from the works of “Poppy with long socks”, “Carlson-on-the-Roof”.
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