"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 1675
Social problems of IDPs and refugees are at the centre of attention of the state of Azerbaijan
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 10 April, 2010
In April 9 the Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Committee for IDPs and Refugees Affairs Ali Hasanov held a press conference for the representatives of the mass media at the headquarter of New Azerbaijan Party. First Ali Hasanov gave information about the works carried out by the Azerbaijan state for settlement of refugees and IDPs’ social problems in 2009. He mentioned that last year 310 million manat were spent for this purpose. 193 million manat of this was allocated from the budget, 90 million was provided by the State Oil Fund and the rest 27 million manat was contributed by the international humanitarian agencies. The President of the country has signed 2 decrees, 2 order and Cabinet of Ministers accepted 14 orders and resolution in the reported years for settlement of IDPs and refugees’ social problems. Participation, pithy speech and direct contact of the head of the state with the internally displaced persons in opening ceremony of the multistory building for 368 IDPs families in the territory of house construction unit #2 in Binagadi district on 17th of November and settlement for 596 IDPs families living in Finnish type houses in Goranboy region on 20th of November made happy the citizens who were forced to leave their homes and increased their belief in power of the State of Azerbaijan. February 27th of the current year the President took part in opening ceremony of the new five-storey buildings constructed for IDPs in Gabala region. According to the appropriate State Program as a result of arrangements carried out for improvement of IDPs living standards the construction of the settlement for 120 families, the last of 4 settlements for 500 IDPs families from Khojali in Yukhari Aghjakand village of Goranboy region and residential area for 26 families in the territory of Goygol region was completed in 2009 and IDPs were removed to these settlements. At the same time a settlement was constructed in Fatmayi settlement of Absheron region for 31 IDPs families, mainly from Zangilan who temporarily lived in auxiliary buildings of the Research Institute of farming in Pirshaghi settlement of Sabunchu district. Besides five-storey building was constructed in Ramana settlement for 70 IDPs families who needed to be removed from the shelters in Baku and the building would be handed over in some days. So, only in 2009 1416 IDPs families comprised of 7 thousand persons were removed to the new constructed 87 thousand square meter houses. 4 school buildings were constructed and required infrastructure was created in settlements and complexes. Fifty buildings were repaired. Besides the above stated in Mingachevir city, Imihsli, Shaki, Aghjabadi, Shamkir, Khachmaz and other regions land areas were allotted and design works were continued for construction of the new settlements. Last year 49 individual houses funded from investment expenditures were constructed for mehseti Turks in Saatli, Sabirabad, Aghjabadi, Shamkir and Khachmaz regions. Payment of average monthly wages to 14 thousand unemployed internally displaced persons who worked for budget organizations in due time and kerosene supply of families in winter was continued. During the year the ministries, state committees, companies and agencies provided humanitarian aid to the IDPs in amount of 3 million manats. 31 microprojects financed from the World Bank credit (1,3 million USD) were carried out. 18 thousand of IDPs were benefited from these projects, 1,5 million dollars loans were provided to 2200 persons. During this period 40 thousand persons applied to the Committee and 10 thousand persons were received. Problems of 80 percent of IDPs and refugees’ applicant were solved, the others either were sent to the relevant state bodies or the required identification works were carried out. It is planned to spend 310 million manat for settlement of IDPs and refugees problems in the current year. 203 million manat of this is allocated from the budget, the rest 80 million manat from the State Oil Fund and the other 27 milion manat provided by the international humanitarian agencies. Within the next few days IDPs settled in some of the important public buildings will be moved to five-storey building constructed for 70 families in Ramana settlement and in some months IDPs living in “Garabagh” sanatorium in Naftalan city will be moved to the 3-storey building constructed in Goranboy. Some day soon construction of the 10-storey building for 612 IDPs families living in “Aran” Finnish type settlement in Yevlakh region and IDPs living under terrible conditions in the city will be started. These buildings are expected to be completed by September. Under the instruction of the President of Azerbaijan there will be constructed a settlement in Mamirli settlement between Aghdam and Barda for IDPs families living under trying conditions on the roadsides and other place in the territory of Aghdam region in this region. Construction of one five-storey building in Gabala and Olympic Sport Complex in Fizuli is completed. A land area in Masazyr settlement is allotted for one more settlement and documentation works are carried out. A part of IDPs living in dormitories in the capital will be settled in this settlement. In general the dormitories in Baku will be emptied gradually. Deputy Prime Minister counted some statistic information. He noted that last year 720 USD were spent per one internally displaced person. It is the highest figure in comparison with conflict zones in the world. During 1993-2009 years 2,9 billion dollars were spent for people of this category. 1,3 billion dollars of this fund are allocated from the state budget, 800 million dollars from the State Oil Fund and other 800 million dollars were provided by the international humanitarian agencies operating in the country. The State Oil Fund financed the construction of 64 settlements with 18 thousand 200 houses, 124 schools and other social infrastructure covering 1,1 million square meter area in various territories, 100 thousand IDPs and refugees were settled in these settlements. Chairman of the State Committee for IDPs and Refugees Affairs told about the works carried out for dissemination of truth on Armenia-Azerbaijan, Upper Garabagh conflict, occupation of our lands, to the world community. He specially mentioned the unexampled services of Heydar Aliyev Fund and its Russian representation, highly appreciated the significance of international action “Justice for Khojali!” held by initiative of the head of the representation Leyla Aliyeva. It was reminded that currently 60 international and 40 international humanitarian agencies are engaged in IDPs and refugees problems in the country. Last year they realized 370 projects. Ali Hasanov answered the questions which the journalists interested in.
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