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Newly built block for 1440 IDP families was put into use in Mushfigabad, Garadagh district, Baku
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
28 December, 2012

On December 27, 2012, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and his spouse Mehriban Aliyeva took part at the opening ceremony of the new residential quarter built for 1440 internally displaced families in the settlement of Mushfigabad of the District of Garadagh of Baku.
The Azerbaijani President first got interested in the conditions created in the flat of Nazila Taghiyeva, a martyr’s family, an internally displaced person from the District of Aghdam.
Ali Hasanov, deputy prime minister, chairman of the State Committee for the Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, informed the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva and declared that there are five members in the family of Nazila Taghiyeva and the flat has four rooms having all necessary living conditions.
The members of the family had their photo taken for memory with the Azerbaijani President and his wife.
Then the Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva came to the newly-built Secondary School 33 of the District of Aghdam, the school is to provide the study of 1300 pupils.
There was the bust of the national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev in the foyer of the school.
The Azerbaijani President got acquainted with the imitation of the quarter.
Deputy prime minister Ali Hasanov informed that the residential quarter has been built in conformity with “The State Program on the improvement of the living conditions and employment of refugees and internally displaced persons” approved by the instruction of the Azerbaijani President in 2004 and in conformity with the respective clauses of additions made to the State Program approved by the Instruction of the Azerbaijani President in 2007. One thousand four hundred and forty families, or 5756 internally displaced persons will be moved to the new residential quarter. Three hundred and twenty internally displaced families are from the District of Aghdam, 570 are from Jabrail, 250 - from Fuzuli, 100 - from Zanghilan and 160 - from other Azerbaijani districts under occupation. The territory of the quarter is 22 hectares. Out of these 1440 flats 211 are single-room, 639 are two-room, 429 are three-room, 141 are four-room flats.
It was informed that a 140-seat kindergarten has also been built in the quarter. It has been equipped with all necessaries and all the demands have been taken into consideration for the training and education of the children there. A club-community centre, an administrative building, a first aid station, a post office, a fire-fighting deport with two exits have also been built there. The residential quarter has been built by the Social Development Fund of the Internally Displaced Persons on the account of the finances allocated from the State Oil Fund in the sum of 127,5 million manats. The construction of the residential quarter began in the February of 2012 and it was completed by the end of the same year.
The Azerbaijani President looked at the photo stands of the new settlements given at the disposal of the internally displaced persons up to that time.
President Ilham Aliyev was informed that the work done for improving the living conditions of the refugees and internally displaced persons shows that President Ilham Aliyev cares for and pays attention to the problems of this category of our compatriots all the time. It is the result of the work aimed at improving the living conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons that not a single tent camp has remained in Azerbaijan. All their residents have been moved to the settlements of modern type.
It was declared that since 1993 the national leader of Azerbaijan has signed 81 decrees and instructions in connection with the refugees and internally displaced persons, the Cabinet of Ministers has issued 307 resolutions, the parliament has adopted 24 laws. In 2003-2012 President Ilham Aliyev has issued 49 decrees and instructions connected with this sphere. In the said period the State Program has been adopted, the additions to the State Program have been approved and implemented into life successfully. In 2001-2012 seventy-six settlements, quarters with multi-storey houses and individual houses have been built for 26 000 thousand families and for over 130 000 not permanently settled internally displaced persons and refugees. In this period 134 schools, five music schools, 48 kindergartens, 51 medical centres, 37 post offices have been built, thousands of kilometres of water and gas pipes, power lines have been laid. Totally 5,4 billion USA dollars have been spent in 1993-2012 for the solution of the social problems of refugees and internally displaced persons. In the past period of this year three settlements, two residential quarters with all necessary social and technical infrastructure objects have been built for 423 internally displaced families in the district of Shaki, 195 -in the district of Barda, 325 - in the district of Imishli, 1440 - in the District of Garadagh of Baku, 502 - in Mingachevir.The construction of a new settlement for 760 internally displaced families, or for 3 420 persons in the settlement of Masazir in the District of Apsheron is in the stage of completion. In general, 300 million manats have been allotted from the State Oil Fund in 2012, which is over 2, 2 times in comparison with the last year, over 15 times in comparison with 2003. Significant activities have been materialized for improving the living and social conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons in these years.
President Ilham Aliyev and his spouse Mehriban Aliyeva got acquainted with the exhibits consisting of carpets woven in Karabakh and exhibits connected with the history and culture of Azerbaijan taken from the museums of the districts under occupation.
When they got acquainted with the school it was declared that the school has all necessary conditions and modern equipment for the study of the children. It confirms once more that Azerbaijan, which is boasting with its rich natural resources, has chosen the further development of the human capital as the main factor in making an efficient use of these resources. The care and attention of the Azerbaijani President to the development of education confirms that this important factor has been included to the number of the main principles of the state policy in the recent years. This process is not restricted with the capital of the country alone, it covers the regions as well, it also serves the insurance of a high level education for the refugees and internally displaced persons who have lost their homes. Very important work has been executed in order to strengthen the material-technical equipment of schools. Computer classes have been created in all the schools and they all have been supplied with internet. This program of activity, which is implemented into life as a result of the support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation on the state level, attracts the attention with its significance.
The Azerbaijani President got acquainted with the conditions created in the computer room, the hall with the initial military training, conference hall and the canteen of the school.
After getting acquainted with the school the Azerbaijani President met the residents of the quarter.
President Ilham Aliyev congratulated the participants of the ceremony and said:
“Dear friends, I congratulate you cordially. I congratulate you on the eve of the New Year Holiday, on the occasion of the Day of Solidarity of the Azerbaijanis all over the world.
The construction of this settlement demonstrates the strength and policy of Azerbaijan. This policy has been founded by our national leader Heydar Aliyev. We pursue his road, and as you know, the first revenues of the State Oil Fund have been directed to the improvement of the social conditions of the internally displaced persons. Since then up to the present day the State Oil Fund has done a lot for providing the internally displaced persons with comfortable living conditions and houses. Only this year 20 000 internally displaced persons have been provided with new flats and individual houses, such beautiful settlements are being built. In this settlement, in these houses 7 000 internally displaced persons will comfortably live. This school is the biggest school built in Azerbaijan in the years of independence. It is the most beautiful and biggest school built in the recent 20 years in which 1 300 pupils will study.
There are all conditions to live in this settlement: There is a kindergarten, beautiful buildings and a school here. Beautiful settlements and individual houses are being built in various regions of the country for improving the living conditions of the internally displaced persons. As you know, we do it now consistently. At first we had to ease the living conditions of those who lived in most critical conditions. For this purpose till 2007 we did a lot in connection with the liquidation of the tent camps. Then we had to ease the living conditions of those who lived in the hostels, in Finnish-type settlements, in the territories of the military units. We are engaged in doing it now.
Today the Azerbaijani government is successfully executing this policy. Taken as a whole, billions of manats have been allocated for this purpose in the recent years. This year 20 000 internally displaced persons will move to new houses. Next year again over 20 000 internally displaced persons will be provided with new flats and houses. This year the State Oil Fund has allocated the biggest sum in the history, that is, 300 million manats for these purposes.
Next year not less than 300 million manats are intended to be allocated for this purpose. That is, we solve this problem consistently, and I am sure that in some years the basic problems connected with the living conditions of the internally displaced persons will be completely solved.
As you know, the State Program is being implemented into life. The State Program on the improvement of the living conditions and employment is being implemented into life successfully. Our work is restricted not only with the construction of settlements and houses, we solve the problems of employment at the same time. According to the official statistics the level of poverty among the internally displaced persons has declined radically. The level of poverty in the country as a whole is already very low. According to the totals of the last year the level of poverty was 7,6 per cent, according to the totals of this year it will be much less. The level of poverty among the internally displaced persons is declining, employment is growing.
Taken wholly the process of the birth of new jobs in the country is going on successfully. In the recent ten years one million 100 000 new jobs have been created and the refugees and internally displaced persons have benefitted from this opportunity.
As a whole, our economic reforms and our policy in the economic sphere have given us the chance to build such beautiful settlements and houses. Had not the new oil strategy of Azerbaijan been pursued by the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev, that is, if we have not been successful in the execution of our oil strategy, today we had not been able to build such settlements. There are internally displaced persons who are still living in critical conditions, we are aware of it. I repeat it again that we solve these problems consistently. The tent camps, the Finnish-type settlements have been liquidated. We shall also solve the residential problems of those who live in hostels, in kindergartens.
That is, it shows that improvement of the level of the living conditions of the internally displaced persons is in the forefront of our state policy. It has been like that all the time. Simply, in the present stage the economic power of the country is much stronger. Our financial opportunities are much greater. I remember, the first oil revenues of the State Oil Fund were directed to the improvement of the living conditions of the internally displaced persons by our national leader Heydar Aliyev. That is, even in those days this problem was determined as a priority. It remains as a priority today as well, because the internally displaced persons are the category of the population who live in most critical conditions. The Armenians pursued the policy of genocide against the Azerbaijani people. The tragedy in Khojaly has already been recognized as an act of genocide in the world scale. Three countries have already recognized the cruelty committed in Khojaly as an act of genocide officially. This process will continue.
The elementary human rights of the Azerbaijanis are being trampled. The elementary human rights of over a million Azerbaijanis are being grossly violated. As a result of the efforts of the diplomacy of Azerbaijan our just cause is supported in the international scale today. The Armenian propaganda is already unable to stand against our sound proofs. But unfortunately, the resolutions of the international organizations are not fulfilled. The world community, particularly the parties which have undertaken the obligation of mediators, the Minsk Group of OSCE must be more active, they must show the aggressor its place, urge it to fulfil the resolutions of the international organizations, compel it to end the occupation, it is impossible to reconcile with occupation, it must be ended. As a state Azerbaijan is growing its strength, conducting economic, political reforms, strengthening its army, in this way makes the victory close and inevitable.
It is doubtless that Azerbaijan will restore its territorial integrity. I am sure that the Azerbaijani people believe it. We simply try to achieve it soon. We want our compatriots return to their lands which are under occupation. We want to re-build the destroyed towns and villages soon, because, as we know, everything in the territory under occupation has been completely destroyed. The Armenian robbers and vandals have destroyed all our historical monuments. The exhibits demonstrated in the foyer of the school here now are our historical wealth. But the examples of our historical heritage, historical wealth in the museums in the territories under occupation have already been plundered, destroyed and burned by the Armenians. Our mosques and cemeteries have been destroyed.
All this have been committed by the Armenians, by the Armenian fascists. The world community, which is still reconciling with such a situation today, must make serious inferences from this, because the resources of Azerbaijan are growing, its army is strengthening. The Azerbaijani people will never reconcile with such a situation. By making use of all our resources we shall restore our territorial integrity. The sooner the conflict ends, the better it will be for everybody.
We shall continue our present policy, we shall not give up our policy, our principled position, because both the international law, the historical justice support our position. NagornoKarabakh is an ancestral Azerbaijani territory and it will remain as an Azerbaijani territory hence. The world community does not recognize the invented NagornoKarabakh as an independent state and will never recognize it in that capacity. The false elections held in NagornoKarabakh are criticized by the international community and did not recognize the falsified results.
We must restore our territorial integrity, we shall do it by all means. Azerbaijan is making efforts and is using all its resources to achieve it. I want to say again that we must be much stronger in our political efforts, diplomacy, economy and, of course, in army building. The day will come and we shall restore our territorial integrity, then we shall reconstruct the destroyed towns and villages. The Azerbaijanis will and must live in their native lands, at home. I believe it, I am sure in it, and I am sure that the Azerbaijani people believe it and we shall see the day of victory.
Along with all the said, we are building such beautiful houses for our compatriots, though it is temporary. You know and we also know that these buildings are temporary residences. You are to live in them temporarily, though temporarily, still we want you to live in better conditions. The living conditions in these houses meet the highest standards. They have large and light rooms. The settlement has been well planned, it has a school, a kindergarten, all communications, electricity, water and gas supply. Though it is for temporary residence, still everything has been taken into consideration for providing comfortable living conditions.
I want to congratulate you cordially on the occasion of all the forthcoming holidays once more. I want to convey my greetings, esteem, love to all our compatriots who have suffered from the consequences of occupation. Thank you.”
Nasiba Huseynova, principal of School 33 of the District of Aghdam, conveyed the gratitude of all the internally displaced persons to the Azerbaijani President and said:
“Mr. President!
Mrs. Mehriban khanum!
You are welcome to this new beautiful settlement built for us, that is, for the internally displaced persons. It is the most precious present given to us on the eve the Day of Solidarity of all the Azerbaijanis over the world and the New Year Holiday. I express my gratitude to you for this matchless gift on behalf of all the residences of this settlement.
Mr. President, we cannot conceal our excitement when we look at this school built for us in conformity with your instruction. I must say that in the years when we got our higher education, our institutions of higher education did not have such beautiful, magnificent buildings. We express our gratitude to you for this attention and care.
Mr. President, not in any zone of the conflict all over the world the governments render care and attention to the problems of the internally displaced persons as in our country. Up to the present day 76 modern residential settlements have been built for our refugees and internally displaced persons, thousands of our compatriots have moved to new flats, the tent camps have been liquidated. The national leader of the Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev has laid the foundations of rendering care and paying attention to the problems of refugees and internally displaced persons. Thank you very much for continuing this policy decisively, for supporting us, for inspiring us in the recent nine years.
Mr. President, the achievements of the recent nine years under your presidency gladden all of us. You have done a lot for the flourishment, for strengthening our country. The foresighted words of our national leader Heydar Aliyev uttered in 2003 “I believe that the works which I have not been able to finish will be completed by Ilham Aliyev” are turning into the reality today. The reputation of our country in the international arena is growing day by day; it is treated with respect and supported.
Mr. President, the administration of Armenia makes adventurist statements each day. We believe that neither the administration of Armenia, nor their supporters in the international arena can stand against Azerbaijan.
Election of Azerbaijan a non-permanent member of the Security Council of the United Nations in 2011 and its chairing in this institution, admission of Azerbaijan to the membership of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner for Refugees of the United Nations, the Eurovision Song Contest held in Baku in 2012 are the logical consequences of your activity in the foreign policy.
Not a day passes in Baku without holding international conferences, events, forums. Even the first European Olympic Games will be held in Baku in 2015. Only the follower of our national leader Heydar Aliyev, the pupil of his school could achieve all this.
Mr. President, everybody is aware of your care and attention to education, culture and public health in the republic. We want to note the services of Mehriban khanum Aliyeva, the First Lady of Azerbaijan, president of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, member of the Azerbaijani parliament, goodwill ambassador of UNESCO and ICESCO, who walks shoulder to shoulder with you, and express our gratitude to her. We believe that the successes to be signed by Azerbaijan in the forthcoming years will be connected with your name.
Mr. President!
Mrs. Mehriban khanum!
We congratulate you on the occasion of the forthcoming Day of Solidarity of the Azerbaijanis all over the world and the New Year Holiday. We wish you, your children and grandchildren good health, long life and successes at work.
Glory to you!”
Then a photo was taken for memory.
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