"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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The Chairman of the State Committee met with a group of Moroccan journalists
Görüşlər 08 February, 2024

Rovshan Rzayev, Chairman of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan, met with a group of representatives of Moroccan media. The delegation includes the Editor of the Maghreb Arab Press (MAP) Agency Mohammed Aswab, the Editor of L’Opinion Anass Maklouh, the Editorial Director of Le Matin newspaper Suhail Nhaili, the Head of the Al-Bayan newspaper directorate, publications director Mahtat Rakas, the Director of La Vie Eco newspaper Fahd Iraghi, co-founder of the Le Desk independent digital press entity Fatima Lghadiri, a staff member of the TelQuel news magazine Yassine Majdi, Saad Alami Younis, a staff member of L’Economiste, the operator of the BBMTV news online channel Bouhaib Brhadda, and Bahu Elhassan.


The chairman of the committee welcomed the guests and provided information about the state policy in the field of work with refugees and internally displaced persons in our country, the work done towards solving the social issues, housing and labor problems of people from this category, the situation that developed after the liberation of our territories from the Armenian occupation, the implementation of the “Great Return” program.


It was underlined that President Ilham Aliyev always pays particular attention to refugees and internally displaced persons, and First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva pays special attention to issues related to them. It was highlighted that state leaders personally oversee the progress of restoration and reconstruction work in the liberated territories, ensuring the safe, voluntary and dignified return of internally displaced persons to their previous places of residence.


It was reported that, as part of the implementation of the First State Return Program, work is ongoing at a rapid pace on the lands of Karabakh and East Zangazur, and the inhabitants of these lands are gradually moving to their homelands. To date, more than 4,000 internally displaced persons have been returned to newly built and restored settlements in the liberated areas. Concurrently, the necessity of eradicating the aftermath of mine terrorism perpetrated by Armenia in Azerbaijani regions during the period of occupation was brought to light, as it subsequently hinders the process of return.


Editor of the Maghreb Arab Press newspaper, Mohammed Aswab expressed gratitude for the information provided regarding the committee’s activities and the work being done in the liberated territories and expressed satisfaction with the meeting's convening. It was mentioned that the international media is paying close attention to the work being done in certain locations and that they are closely monitoring the procedures.


The chairman of the State Committee had an interview with journalist Bouhaib Brhadda following the meeting, during which he addressed a number of inquiries from international media outlets regarding the work completed as part of the First State Program on the Great Return.


We would like to draw your attention to the fact that Moroccan media representatives will visit Aghdam, Shusha, and other liberated areas in the coming days. Those in attendance included representatives from The State Committee on Work with Diaspora of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Morocco.


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