"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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An info tour was organized to the Lachin district
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 21 November, 2023

In accordance with the I State Program on the Great Return to territories liberated from occupation, the State Committee for the Affairs of Refugees and IDPs has arranged another information tour to the Lachin district as part of information, propaganda, and campaign activities for the return of IDPs to recently constructed settlements.


Info tour participants were informed about the progress of the implementation of measures provided for by the First State Program and the tasks being implemented by President Ilham Aliyev. The visitors were informed that the formerly internally displaced people are making their way back to their homeland following the extensive construction and restoration projects completed in the Zabukh village of the Lachin district and Lachin city. The info tour participants toured the newly created jobs and other infrastructural facilities in Lachin City, spoke with the locals, and learned about the living conditions of the returning people.


The visitors also went to the “Hochazfilm” creative studio’s shooting pavilion, which was inaugurated in the Lachin region in August of this year with involvement from First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva and President Ilham Aliyev. The pavilion was decorated with unusual items like a three-sided green screen, an airplane, a helicopter, a jail, and a scientific lab. The info tour participants were more interested in this.

Following that, the info tour participants learned about the two new workplaces in the Lachin district: a furniture factory and the livestock farm. The visitors were informed that the vast majority of people who work are locals of the Lachin district.


Following that, the info tour participants visited the Lachin region’s village of Zabukh, where they were welcomed as guests of the locals who had left to return home. The village’s conditions have been met with satisfaction from the locals. Participants in info tour filmed at Zabukh village. They received answers to the questions they were curious about.

The info tour was attended by executives and staff from a range of private creative organizations as well as officials from businesses that collaborate with the State Committee on information, publicity, and promotion initiatives.

The tour participants reported that the information tour was beneficial and fruitful. Info tours to the liberated areas will continue under the auspices of the I State Program on the Great Return Action Plan.



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