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President of the Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev had participated in the opening of the new settlement for 552 internally displaced persons families from Lachin in Tahtakorpu in Agjabadi.
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
26 December, 2011

In December 24, 2011, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev and his spouse Mehriban khanum Aliyeva took part at the opening of the new settlement built for the refugees and internally displaced persons in the territory of Takhtakorpu in the district of Aghjabadi.
The Azerbaijani President, first, looked at the stand which reflected general plan of the settlement.
Ali Hasanov, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs, informed that owing to the care and attention of the Azerbaijani President to the Azerbaijani citizens, who have lost their home and property, the tent camps in the district of Aghjabadi have been liquidated, new settlements have been built for refugees and internally displaced persons, significant measures have been taken for solution of their social problems. The quarter consisting of ten five-story residential houses built for 560 internally displaced families in the district of Aghjabadi demonstrates that these measures are consistent in nature.The refugees and internally displaced persons are being moved form their temporary residences and tents to new settlements with necessary infrastructure. This evidences of the sensitive approach of the Azerbaijani government to this category of population, 70 new settlements have been built in various parts of the country up to the present day for the refugees and internally displaced persons. They have all necessary infrastructure. There are 20 000 apartments in these settlements, over 100 000 Azerbaijani citizens have moved to new houses, 130 educational, about 50 medical, dozens of postal and cultural institution have been given at their disposal, water, energy, gas supply has been provided, roads have been laid.
It was said that the Azerbaijani President has signed 27 decrees and instructions connected with the social conditions of refugees and internally displaced persons, approved all the State Programs and additions to them within the recent seven years. The Cabinet of Ministers has issued 88 resolutions and instructions in connection with the execution of the said presidential decrees and instructions. At present the finances allocated by the Azerbaijani government for the refugees and internally displaced persons are relatively highest in the world in comparison with other world countries.
When President Ilham Aliyev was informed about the basic technical indicators of the new residential massive, it was declared that the construction of the massive began in the June of the current year in conformity with the Instruction of the President of2007 on the approval of the additions made to the State Program adopted in 2004. Fourteen local companies have taken part in the construction of the residential massive. It will be completed fully at the beginning of the next year.
It was informed that the total territory of the massive is ten hectares and 560 internally displaced families, who have temporarily settled in the District of Aghjabadi, will move to the new buildings in the residential massive.
Then President Ilham Aliyev and Mehriban khanum Aliyeva had a look to the ready apartments.
It was declared that the buildings in the new massive have maximal living conditions. A school for the study of 360 pupils and a kindergarten for 50 children have also been built in the massive. There is also a club-community center and an administrative building there. A transformer semi-station has been assembled there for supplying the massive with electricity permanently and two water reservoirs each containing 500 cubic meter of fresh water have been constructed and pipelines have been laid for the fresh water supply of the massive. The quarter has also been gasified and a gas regulating station has been assembled there. The road-street network in the massive has been built on the highest level.
After getting acquainted with the residential quarter the Azerbaijani' President gave his recommendations and errands for completing the works there on the highest level.
Then President Ilham Aliyev and his spouse Mehriban Aliyeva took part at the opening ceremony of the new settlement built for 552 internally displaced families from the District of Lachin.
The Azerbaijani President and his spouse first visited the monument of the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev erected in the center of the settlement and put bunches of flowers to the monument.
Ali Hasanov, deputy prime minister, chairman of the State Committee for the Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, informed that the construction work ongoing in the country has gained a wide scale in the territory of Takhtakorpu settled for the internally displaced persons from Lachin. Trees and other greeneries have been planted in the parks there, in the complex of the Martyrs, around the building of the district administration, improvement works have been carried out. The construction of a 21 km-long natural gas pipeline has been completed since the beginning of the year, a 4 km-long fresh water pipeline has been restored, and the old pipes have been renewed. Module-type water-filters have been installed in the hamlets of Alkhasli and Garakeshish, 7 900 square meter motorway in the direction of Takhtakorpu-Mais and Takhtakorpu-Alkhasli has been asphalted.
It was noted that 13 000 out of 71 200 residents of Lachin living in 58 districts and towns of the republic have settled in the territory of Takhtakorpu. Now new settlements are being built here for the internally displaced persons. One of them is the settlement built in the territory of Takhtakorpu of the District of Aghjabadi constructed for 552 internally displaced families from Lachin in conformity with the instruction of the Republican President dated October 31, 2007, as an addition to the State Program approved in July 1, 2004. The construction of this settlement is one of the next important steps of the Azerbaijani President undertaken in the direction of improvement of the social-economic and living conditions of the internally displaced persons.
It was declared that the total area of the settlement is 111 hectares, the total residential floor of the houses there is over 31 179 square meters. Each house has 0,12 hectares of land plot. There is a school in the settlement for 360 pupils, which meets the modem standards, a kindergarten, a club-community center, an administrative building for the district administration, a park planted with trees and greenery. The settlement has been supplied with electricity, gas and fresh water. Drainage has been constructed for the flow of the rain water. The total length of the asphalted road in the settlement is 15 kilometers.
The Azerbaijani President and his spouse were informed on the technical economic indicators of the construction of me new settlement.
It was declared that the settlement has all necessary infrastructure, 49 of the houses have one flat each, 194 houses have two rooms each, 237 houses are with three rooms and 72 of them have four rooms in each. There are two transformer stations, six gas regulating stations in the settlement. One-way bridges have been constructed; wide stripes of greenery have been laid.
President Ilham Aliyev and his spouse Mehriban Aliyeva visited the house of Jannat Aliyev, an internally displaced person, and got acquainted with the conveniences created there.
Bunches of flowers were given to the Azerbaijani President and his wife.
The Azerbaijani President talked to the host at the tea table.
Jannat Aliyev, host of the new house, greeted the Azerbaijani President and said:
“You are welcome to our house!”
Ilham Aliyev: “Well, how do like the house? Is it good?”
Jannat Aliyev: “Mr. President, I thank you and express my sincere gratitude on behalf of my family and on my own behalf for such a beautiful condition created for us, for having this settlement built, for coming to meet the residents of Lachin on such a remarkable day.”
Ilham Aliyev: “Thank you very much; I am very glad that today we are celebrating this gladdening event together. A new settlement is being given at the disposal of its inhabitants; it is really a very remarkable event. As you know, in the recent years dozens of new settlements have been built in Azerbaijan, tens of thousands of internally displaced persons have moved to these settlements. All the houses are very beautiful. They have all necessary conveniences, you have water, gas, electricity, and plots of land for gardening and orcharding, all necessary infrastructures have been created for life. Of course, your living conditions were not desirable before moving to this settlement. But now the government has all potentials, and the most important is that we want to provide our compatriots with houses which have all necessary conditions, this is our policy.
A big settlement has been built here; there are 552 houses in it. I see that all of them have been built with good quality; all of them are spacious, beautiful and comfortable. I congratulate you on this occasion; wish you to have a happy life here.”
Jannat Aliyev: “Mr. President, all the Azerbaijani people are in debt to our great leader Heydar Aliyev for the work he has done. The greatest truth is that he has brought up and presented to the Azerbaijani people a professional administrator like you. Our great leader all the time used to say that he believed Ilham Aliyev as his own self, he would finish the works not completed by me to the end. You are President of the country since 2003. The ongoing construction and improvement works, the achievements in the sphere of industry, agriculture, science, culture, socio-economic sphere, political stability, and speedy development has joined Azerbaijan to the number of the developed countries of the world. It is due to your intensive labor. It is the result of your constant visits to the regions as your late father and your constant and close communication with the people. As an Azerbaijani I am proud of it. I am proud that we have a president like you.”
Ilham Aliyev: “Thank your. You are completely right. The works in the said spheres were once begun by our great leader; because the first oil revenues which arrived in the country were directed to the improvement of the living conditions of the internally displaced persons. In those days, at the end of 1999 after the institution of the State Oil Fund and arrival of the first oil revenues, the first entries were spent on the construction of settlements for the internally displaced persons. We continue this policy. Of course, now the financial resources of the country have grown considerably, we try and must try to solve the problems of our internally displaced compatriots, and in reality we do it.”
Jannat Aliyev: “Our great leader Heydar Aliyev was the beloved of all the residents of Lachin. He used to say a very beautiful sentence: “The district of Lachin is one of the worthiest comers of Azerbaijan both for its nature and its residents.” You are his son, and we are glad today immensely that you have found time to come and meet the residents of Lachin despite your business, lack of time.
It is true that if our great leader Heydar Aliyev had not come to the political administration of the country, we, the internally displaced persons would have been treated like step children, we would have enjoyed quite a different attitude. Our savior came to power; care and attention to the internally displaced persons grew. A while ago you said that the residents of Lachin have settled here, in this thirsty desert full of snakes, in 86 hamlets, in buildings for public services. Those days were the most terrible. Water was transported in cisterns and it was never enough. It was transported from the distance of 30-40 kilometers. We never wish the return of those days.
Out great leader returned to power and he put into order everything. You really continue the road of our great leader. The residents of Lachin support your foreign and home policy completely”
Ilham Aliyev: “Thank you, it is really true. Our great leader treated Lachin and its residents with a particular attention and tribute. I also love the residents of Lachin and today I am together with them. I want to note one thing: Had our great leader been in the administration of the country in those decisive days, Lachin would have never fallen under occupation. As a result of the faulty and defective activity of the then administration and anti-national forces, which were fighting for power in the country, Lachin was occupied, and we can say that the occupation of our lands began from the occupation of Lachin. Occupation of Lachin in the May of 1992 enabled Armenia to maintain geographical communication with Nagorniy Karabakh.”
Jannat Aliyev: “The Armenians call LachinAlagapi, that is, a gate, an entrance to Nagorniy Karabakh. As a result of the unprofessional, unskilled activity of the the then administration the Armenians occupied Lachin in 1992.”
Ilham Aliyev: “Then the inhabitants of Lachin came to the thirsty deserts, nobody cared for them, nobody was engaged in their problems. They were left in the desert alone neglected, without water, without any living conditions.
You have lived those hard days, seen the tragedies of those days.”
Jannat Aliyev: “Mr. President, let those days never return. I went to the reception of the chairman of the State Committee for the Issues of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons with other four persons in connection with the cold, careless attention to the internally displaced persons, in connection with our problems. The officials there did not know their duties; they were unaware of the situation, of the truth. I say it sincerely.
Mr. President, in 1971 our great leader Heydar Aliyev adopted a decision on the District of Lachin, on the development of the economy of the mountainous districts. A special decision was adopted on the 50th anniversary of the town of Lachin in 1974. On the account of identical decisions Lachin developed speedily. Lachin occupied the first place among the mountainous districts of the republic because of its developed economy and improvement-construction works. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Lachin your father, that is, our great leader awarded me. Now in 2009 you honored me with the order of Taraggi (Progress) with a decree signed by Your Excellency.”
Ilham Aliyev: “Yes, I do, I see it.”
Jannat Aliyev: “On behalf of my family, on behalf of the people close to me I shake your hand, embrace you, and express my thanks, my gratitude to you.”
Ilham Aliyev: “Thank you very much!”
Jannat Aliyev: “Your reputation in the international arena gladdens us very much. As the Supreme Commander-in-Chief you have created a strong army. This army will revenge for us in future. We shall return to our lands. Under your presidency we shall build such beautiful houses in our native lands. You have really done very great works for improving the living conditions in the temporary residential areas of our compatriots.”
Ilham Aliyev: “You are completely right. This is a temporary-place of residence. After the liberation of our lands from occupation we shall build much more beautiful houses in Lachin, in Kalbajar, in Aghdam and in other territories which are at present under occupation. I do not doubt it. We shall restore our territorial integrity by all means. I have disclosed my views about it not once. I want to say once more that they are not mere words which I utter, it is not simply our desire, and it is truth.
Now pay attention, how long a distance Azerbaijan hats made in the past twenty years, years full of success. Now Azerbaijan is recognized in the world as a country of great reputation. Our reputation in the international organizations, our initiatives within the country, in general, the development of the economy of Azerbaijan, creation of a strong military potential give us reason to say that we shall end with this occupation. That is, it is an inescapable truth. I am sure the* Armenia and its present administration understand it. It has only one way, one solution: the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan must be restored; all the internally displaced persons must return home, they must return to Nagorniy Karabakh, including Shusha. The sovereignty of Azerbaijan must be restored completely. The norms of the international law demand it. Justice demands it, the Azerbaijani people demand it. Now we make diplomatic efforts to return home, if we see that they do not produce any result, then we must return our territory by any means, by waging a war. The norms of the international law permit us to do it. Simply we still try to solve the problem through negotiations, at the same time' increase our military might. In the recent years we have strengthened considerably, we have created a strong military potential. Hence and in the forthcoming years the difference between Armenia and Azerbaijan will only grow. Тhis difference is evident in all the spheres, in economy, in the political weight of our country, in international support, in military potential, and at the same time, in demographic indicators. All this is truth. Scientific-technical progress and development, at the same time demography of the country will determine the future of the country. The number of oar population is growing, but in Armenia it is reducing. The number of population is 9300 000, in Armenia it is 1 800 000L In the first half of this year according to their official statistics - this statistics has always been falsified - 60 000 people haveleft the country. Within the whole year it will be over 100 000. In five-six years there will remain less than one million people. We must work hard, we work, we do our work, weare growing strong, gain more supporters.
Now the number of our partners is growing, many countries are eager to build friendly relations with us, 155 countries supported Azerbaijan. There are a little less than 200 countries in the world, 155 of them voted in favor ofAzerbaijan. Now I would not like to speak of any othercountry. But it is not the deed of any country to gain the votesof 155 countries. There are states in the world which solvethe world problems. Can Armenia get the support of 155 countries?! Never! Azerbaijan is a young country, is an independent country, we have appeared on the political map of the world only 20 years ago.
One hundred and fifty-five countries support us and this support will grow further, because the countries which voted in our favor will understand that they have not been mistaken, because in the next two years in the Security Council we shall defend their interests, defend them fairly, and defend the law.
What is our main problem? There are laws there. The international organizations adopt resolutions, but they are not executed. The countries able to demand the execution of these resolutions remain, dumb. The public and I have disclosed our views on it not once. This is our problem. What must be our reaction to all this? Only by strengthening our country, that is the only way, we have no any other choice.
Of course, we now continue the negotiations and will do it for some time. But we are aware of our political and economic power, military might, our means of influence in the region, our position in the world. This is the road which leads to the solution of the Karabakh conflict. We shall make, are making use of these means and ways. The support given to our policy by the nation adds to our strength. I get this support from you. It inspires me more and creates very good* opportunities for me to defend the interests of the country.”
Jannat Aliyev: “As a result of the measures undertaken by you the negligent opposition will melt like ice. A healthy climate will emerge in the Republic. As a result of the efforts of the strong army created by you as the Supreme Commander-in- Chief our borders will be restored. We believe it. We shall return to our lands.
I do not feel a need to speak about the works done by Mehriban khanum Aliyeva, because God has endowed her with qualities, with which our Prophet was endowed by God.
I wish she were honored the Noble Prize in future as the representative of Azerbaijan.”
Ilham Aliyev: “Mehriban has too many prizes.”
Mehriban Aliyeva: “Thank you very much.”
Jannat Aliyev: “I want to say that when Mehriban khanum speaks abroad, I am never tired of her speech.
I have known our great leader Heydar Aliyev since 1969. In those days there was also anarchy, chaos in the republic, there were different groups serving different purposes. The pro-Armenian forces in Moscow who made use of this situation wanted to transform Azerbaijan to a province. They were saying that Azerbaijan had no resources, got subsidies from the centre. I shall never forget the time when our great leader came to power. After the August Plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan the groupings disappeared, there emerged a healthy climate, a real-life situation. Azerbaijan got the red challenge banner of such a government as of the USSR for 14 times. You are his son. The Azerbaijani people, which are able to appreciate the merits, the services of everyone, support your foreign and home policy.”
Ilham Aliyev: “Thank you, thank you very much.”
Jannat Aliyev: “Celebration of your 50th birthday together with us can not be replaced with anything. I wish you celebrated your 100th birthday.”
Ilham Aliyev: “I would like to do it together with you in Karabakh with great pleasure.”
Jannat Aliyev: “You toil much to improve the living conditions of the internally displaced persons, you appreciate them. May God appreciate you, protect you. I wish you long life, strong health and happiness in the family.”
Ilham Aliyev: “In general, I do not celebrate my birthdays.”
Jannat Aliyev: “You have come to meet us, the internally displaced persons, it is matchless.”
Ilham Aliyev: “I wish we celebrated it in Karabakh.”
Then a photo was taken for memory.
A little later President Ilham Aliyev and the first lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban khanum Aliyeva got acquainted with the products produced by the internally displaced persons from the District of Lachin, watched the process of baking lavash (thin bread) on saj (hot iron plate) and transformation of the milk in the chum The Azerbaijani President and his wife were informed on apiculture and its products, the tools and devices used there, on the honey acquired naturally. The Azerbaijani President met the residents of the settlement.
Ilham Aliyev greeted the participants of the ceremony and said:
“Good morning! I greet all of you cordially.
I congratulate you on the opening of this new settlement. It is very beautiful. There are 552 houses in it, all are comfortable, and there is also a school. All infrastructures • have been created, it has water, gas and energy supply. In one word, the construction of the settlement is a very gladdening event. It is not the first time that we meet the internally displaced persons in the opening ceremony of the new settlements. Such meetings take place each year; several settlements are built within a year. Wholly taken, in the course of the recent years 70 beautiful settlements have been built. As you know, once there were tent camps. By the end of 2007 all of them were liquidated. Beautiful settlements have been built instead of them. Over 100 000 internally displaced persons have settled in them.
This initiative was once proposed by our great leader Heydar Aliyev. By the end of the 1990s he spent the first oil revenues accumulated in the State Oil Fund on improving the life level of the internally displaced persons. This policy is being continued today, too. Today the material resources of Azerbaijan are much greater than before. We have great economic potentials, we are eager to speed up the process of development more.
In the recent years tens of new settlements have been built, thousands of people have been moved to new houses. A settlement is being built in Aghjabadi consisting of 556 houses, I have got acquainted with the construction today. Very probably the internally displaced persons will be moved to it in the beginning of the next year. According to the statistic information at my disposal over four billion US dollars have been spent for improving the living conditions of the internally displaced persons, 3,7 billion of it has been allocated by the Azerbaijani government. The finances have been allocated by the State Oil Fund and from the state budget. In the forthcoming years, particularly beginning from the next year much bigger sums will be allocated for improving the living conditions of the internally displaced persons in order to solve very soon the problems of those who at present live in critical conditions. Naturally, we have first solved the problems of those who live in most critical conditions; the tent camps have already been liquidated. At the present stage we are solving the problems of those who live in Finnish-type settlements, in school buildings, in hostels, in the territories of the military units. Up to the present you have also been living in most critical conditions in Finnish-type settlerr^nts. Now this settlement has been built, it has all conveniences to live in. But it is also a temporary habitation. When our lands are liberated from occupation, in all the lands under occupation, including Lachin, more beautiful settlements and villages than this one will be built. We shall do it. I am sure that we shall have resources and potentials to do it. Now the most important problem is to return our citizens to the lands which are under occupation. Negotiations are going on; efforts are being made for doing it. There is not a problem for the Azerbaijani government more important than this, because our country is developing successfully in all the spheres. Not any counffy can repeat the successes which Azerbaijan has gained in the twenty years of independence. The economic development ongoing in Azerbaijan in the recent years is rare in the world scale in nature.
We are in the process of negotiations, in the issue of Karabakh not everything depends on us, because there are two parties in the negotiations - Armenia and Azerbaijan. There is an international format for holding the negotiations. The Minsk Group of OSCE has been functioning for about 20 years, but without any result, the problem remains unsolved, though the resolutions and decisions of all the international organizations support the fair position of Azerbaijan, because the Armenian lobby, the supporters of Armenia in the world obstacle the solution of the conflict. We see that the Armenian lobby exerts influence on the policy of the great states, too. These states adopt decisions detrimental to their own interests under the influence the Armenian lobby. It is true. Not only Armenia is fighting against us, Armenia is not the greatest force facing us. The world Armenianism and the hypocritical politicians ruled by their dirty money are fighting against us. They are fighting against Azerbaijan day and night. Just because of it there is not any result though the Minsk Group of OSCE has been functioning for 20 years. To have a result there is no need for great steps. Simply, the resolutions of the international organizations, those of the Security Council of the United Nations must be executed. The world community must demand the withdrawal of the aggressor from the occupied lands; the occupants must allow the Azerbaijani citizens return home, because the world community recognizes the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Nagorno Karabakh is our historical, ancestral territory, we know it well, and the norms of the international law also recognize Nagorno Karabakh as the original Azerbaijani territory. But why do these resolutions remain unexecuted?! I repeat it again that because of the activity of the world Armenianism and the anti-Azerbaijani forces in the world the conflict has been frozen and remains «unsolved. But along with it, 1 have said it several times; this conflict is not a frozen conflict and can never be frozen for ever. As long as our territory is under occupation, we shall try, and we are trying to solve the conflict fairly, in our favor and very soon. By the fair solution we mean the restoration of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. The territorial integrity of Azerbaijan must be restored and it shall be. In all the occupied territories the sovereignty of Azerbaijan must be ensured and it shall be done. I do not doubt it. Simply, we want the conflict to be solved soon and enable our internally displaced persons return home. I believe it completely that we shall restore our territorial integrity. We have several reasons, or factors to be sure in it, I have disclosed my views about them not once. Our growing political weight, economic power, and the most important, our present military might - we shall increase it further,- growth of the population in number are among the said factors. That is, all the factors necessary for the solution of these geopolitical issues support our position and are in our favor. With the lapse of time we shall grow much stronger, Armenia will grow much weaker. As long as our lands are under occupation, we fight against Armenia in all the spheres and shall continue fighting.
Dear friends, you are the residents of the District of Lachin. Lachin is one of the beautiful comers of Azerbaijan. Tlje residents of Lachin have always been devoted to Azerbaijan, to the philosophy of Azerbaijanism. It is the same today, too. The occupation of Lachin is the tragedy not only of the residents of Lachin, but a great tragedy for all of us, because the matchless monuments of Lachin have been destroyed. Our religious monuments have been destroyed. The exhibits of our museums there have been plundered, the houses have been destroyed. Our enemies are living in the houses of the residents of Lachin now. It is also the greatest grief for us now. The destruction of the house is grieving, but it is more grieving when the enemy lives in it. You already know that the enemies live in your houses in the center of Lachin. It is impossible to reconcile with such a situation, we shall not reconcile with it.
The occupation of Lachin led to the occupation of other districts by the enemy, because in the May of 1992 Shusha was occupied, some days later Lachin fell under occupation. Then in the April of 1993 Kalbajar was occupied. Thus, a geographical communication emerged between Armenia and Nagorniy Karabakh. There has never been such a communication before. Nagorniy Karabakh is a historical, ancestral Azerbaijani territory located in the center of Azerbaijan. All the territory around it, including Lachin, is the Azerbaijani territory. The Azerbaijanis lived in these territories now belonging to Armenia and in the khanate of Irevan (Yerevan), which is also an Azerbaijani territory. The present Armenia is in the territory of Azerbaijan. We know it and the historical documents evidence it. Thus, the occupation of Lachin resulted in the occupation of other districts. I am completely sure that if in those days our great leader Heydar Aliyev had been in the political administration of the country, not an inch of our territory would have been subjected to the occupation of the enemy, - and we disclosed our views on it in the conversation with this distinguished elder man.
Our enemies also know it, and therefore when Heydar Aliyev went to Moscow to work in the center, there began a campaign against him. It was a campaign of slander, calumny, aspersions started by the Armenians, the Armenian nationalists and at the same time here by the anti-national forces living here in Azerbaijan. Some days after the resignation of Heydar Aliyev from the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union the Armenians raised the issue of Nagorniy Karabakh and then the war began. Unfortunately, in those days the forces who ruled the country could not justify the hopes of the people, committed crimes. Because of it we are facing this situation now.
I want to say it once more that the Azerbaijani people can not live in comfort and peace unless this conflict is solved, we shall not remain silent. We must solve the problem fairly in our favor. Azerbaijan is a multi-national state. There has never been a confrontation on religious and national grounds. The Armenians may and must also live in the sovereign Azerbaijan. At present there are Armenians who live in Azerbaijan. Nobody tells them anything, they are our citizens. That is, Azerbaijan is a tolerant country. The Azerbaijani people are a tolerant people.
The conflict of Nagorniy Karabakh must be solved only on these principles. Our territorial integrity must be restored. All the internally displaced persons must return home, including to Nagorniy Karabakh. Then the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities of Nagorniy Karabakh will live together. The Azerbaijanis must return to Shusha, must live there and shall live there. We want it to do it peacefully. If our efforts do not produce any yield, then the Azerbaijani army will tell its word any time, liberate our territory.
Dear friends, I greet you today once more. I want to say once more that this settlement is a temporary habitation. But we want it to have all conveniences though it is temporary. I think that all necessary conditions have been created here. I highly appreciate the activity of the State Committee for the Issues of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons. They have performed all the work with high professionalism, with great love. We maintain contacts with it all the time, all the projects are reported to me. All the initiatives of the State Committee are supported by me. Next year much more finances will be allocated for this purpose, that is, for the construction of new settlements. The State Oil Fund is also doing a lot in this sphere. It shows once more that the oil, which is the national wealth of the people, and the revenues from it are at the disposal of the citizens of Azerbaijan. These revenues are fairly shared in Azerbaijan. The State Oil Fund has already gained a very good reputation in the world as an institution. The incomes of the State Oil Fund are growing. In such a case, of course, much more finances will be allotted for the construction of new settlements. I greet you once more; wish you strong health and successes.”
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Cəbrayıl şəhərinə növbəti köç karvanı yola salınıb
17 February, 2025 / Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
Növbəti köç karvanı Cəbrayıl şəhərinə çatıb
17 February, 2025 / Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
Qaradağlı faciəsi qurbanlarının xatirəsi anılıb
17 February, 2025 / Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
Cəbrayıl şəhərinə növbəti köç karvanı yola salınıb
06 February, 2025 / Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
Dövlət Komitəsi yanında İctimai Şuranın cari ildə ilk iclası keçirilib
04 February, 2025 / Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
Hamımız üçün Böyük Qayıdış...
31 January, 2025 / Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
Köç karvanı Xocalı rayonunun Ballıca kəndinə çatıb
31 January, 2025 / Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı
Xocalı rayonunun Ballıca kəndinə növbəti köç karvanı yola salınıb