On October 31 Chairman of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons, Rovshan Rzayev, met with the delegation headed by Toivo Klaar, EU special representative for South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia.
At the meeting, detailed information on the history and present state of the conflict of Nagorna Karabakh between Armenia and Azerbaijan was provided to the diplomat. It was stated that Armenia continues its aggressive policy, as a result, people more than 1 million and 200 thousand are still refugees and internally displaced persons in our country.
Guests were informed that the solution of social problems of Internally Displaced Persons living at different regions of the republic is always at the center of attention. It was stated that the government of Azerbaijan carries out purposeful works in the direction of solution of social problems of refugees and internally displaced persons along with releasing our lands from occupation. According to President Ilham Aliyev’s instructions, new settlements are established for the improvement of housing and domestic conditions of internally displaced persons. At the same time, the head of state always keeps the issues of raising material welfare and provision of employment of our citizens belonging to this category at the center of attention. The first vice – president, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, takes a special care for internally displaced persons living at the most severe conditions and takes necessary measures for their transfer to new apartments.
Toivo Klaar thanked for sincere acceptance. He stated that he visited Azerbaijan and got acquainted closely with the conditions of IDP families last year. The European diplomat also noted that he would seek to increase activities related to internally displaced persons. Toivo Klaar highly appreciated the present level of cooperation between European Union and Azerbaijan. The guest stated that he would do his best for the enlargement of these relations.
Exchange of ideas was conducted around the issues of mutual interest at the meeting.