Alexandra Bilak, Director of Internal Displacement Monitoring Center who is currently in our country visited Jojug Marjanli village of Jabrayil together with the delegation led by her.
Informing the guests in detail about the restoration and construction works carried out under the instruction of the President Ilham Aliyev in the village, which was under the control of occupying forces of Armenia for a long time and was rescued in April 2016 as a result of successful counterattack operation of the Azerbaijani army, Fuad Huseynov, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee said that the people temporarily settled in different parts of our country returned to their homeland and now living in a safe condition. Return to Jojug Marjanli created hope and trust that other occupied territories will also be soon liberated from the occupation and the Great Return will begin.
The head of Jabrayil Region Executive Power Kamal Hasanov spoke about the socio-economic state and the measures taken to ensure employment of the people who returned to the village. It was noted that projects are being implemented by local and foreign organizations to create job opportunities.
Later, the guests visited the resident of Jojug Marjanli Ogtay Haziyev`s house. He said that although Jojug Marjanli was liberated from the occupation by the successful Horadiz operation in 1994 under the leadership of Great Leader Heydar Aliyev, the village was constantly fired from close positions of the occupying forces. As a result of April fights, the occupiers were forced to retreat. Now, all conditions for comfortable living are created in the village restored in modern style.
Guests visited the mosque similar to Shusha mosque and other infrastructure facilities built in Jojug Marjanli and met with local community representatives. Assistant Director of Internal Displacement Monitoring Center Hacen Mohammedi, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Azerbaijan to UN Office and other international organizations in Geneva Vagif Sadigov, his adviser Seymur Merdaliyev and others attended the visit.
Director of Internal Displacement Monitoring Center Alexandra Bilak appreciated the work carried out in Jojug Marjanli, underlined the significance of taking important measures to convey the humanitarian tragedy of Azerbaijani IDPs to the world community and thanked for organization of the visit.