With the support of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan the project “to ensure the return of internally displaced people and their integration into the community by conducting a sociological survey and creating early forecasts” has been implemented by Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Institute of Development and Diplomacy of ADA University.
The presentation of the project organized at the State Committee provided detailed information about its purpose and objectives.
During the survey, the wishes and suggestions of IDPs regarding their return were studied, the factors influencing their decision to return to their homeland were identified, and preliminary forecasts were drawn up. This was reported by project coordinator Rasmiyya Abdullayeva.
It was stated that I state program on “Great Return”, implemented under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, ensures that all the prerequisites for a long-term settlement and economic recovery in the liberated regions of East Zangazur and Karabakh will be established. At present, the State Program Action Plan is undergoing rigorous work, and the process of return is proceeding smoothly.
As part of the project, focus group surveys were chosen as the main research method. 170 respondents from Shusha, Gubadli, Aghdam, Kalbajar, Lachin, Zangilan, Jabrayil, Khojavend, Khojaly and Fuzuli took part in the surveys.
The survey once again confirmed that 95 percent of former migrants intend to return to their homeland.
At the presentation, held with the participation of senior officials of the State Committee, a lot of discussion, comments, and ideas were made regarding the research findings. These will be considered in the study's final report.
The event was attended by Fuad Huseynov, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee, Fariz Ismayilzada, Vice-Rector at Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy, Project Manager, scientific director of the project - director of the Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Nazim Imanov.