"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 2215
The activity of members of the Public Council in the process of the Great Return will be increased
Görüşlər 04 March, 2024

The next meeting of the Public Council took place at the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.


Organization of public support for events, the main executor of which is the committee within the framework of the “I State Program for the Great Return of the Territories Liberated from the Occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan” and the possibility of the council’s activities in this direction was discussed at the meeting.


It was reported that President Ilham Aliyev personally supervised reconstruction work in the territories liberated from occupation and issues related to the Great Return and regular visits of First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva to these areas and meetings with the population returning to their homeland brought great satisfaction to the internally displaced people. It was stated that most of them were ready to return.


It was reported that at meetings held by members of the Public Council in places of temporary settlement, internally displaced persons were interested in a number of issues related to the return process. The chairman of the council, head of “Healthy Development and Awareness” Public Union Anar Khalilov noted that the necessary work is being carried out to ensure public support for their information, education, solutions to the problems they face, their appeals are investigated jointly with the relevant bodies of the State Committee, measures are taken in accordance with the law.


Chairman of the State Committee Rovshan Rzayev provided detailed information on the resettlement of residents in resettled and restored settlements in Karabakh and East Zangazur, resolving issues of their employment and, in general, organizing the social protection of internally displaced persons. It was observed that the Public Council members' active involvement in the Great Return process will positively affect the committee's activities. On this point, it was brought to attention that the necessary conditions have been created for the active participation of representatives of civil society in decision-making procedures for all activities of the committee.


On the issues discussed at the meeting, a wide range of opinions were exchanged, proposals and recommendations for practical activities were made, and appropriate decisions were made.




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