"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 1036
President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed restoration work carried out in administrative building and Shirin Su Bath in Shusha
Official news 10 MAY, 2022

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva have today arrived in the city of Shusha for a visit.


Special Representative of President in Shusha district Aydin Karimov informed the President and the First Lady of the final completion work in the administrative building and landscaping work carried out around it.


The President and the First Lady then viewed the restoration work carried out in Shirin Su Bath in Shusha.


Assistant to President Anar Alakbarov informed that the restoration work in the historical Shirin Su Bath is carried out by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation. The bath is on the list of immovable historical and cultural monuments of national importance and will be restored preserving its historical appearance.


The Shirin Su Bath was built in 1880. The bath was called "Shirin Su" (fresh water) thanks to the fact that it used drinking water, which was brought to city, back in 1873, by Khan gizi Khurshidbanu Natavan. It functioned until the occupation of Shusha by Armenians on May 8, 1992. Like all other monuments, this ancient bath was destroyed by Armenians during the occupation.




President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva viewed restoration work carried out in the house where Sadigjan, a famous tar player, a composer and an artist who improved the Azerbaijani tar, once lived.


Assistant to President Anar Alakbarov informed the President and the First Lady of the work done.


The restoration work in Sadigjan’s house will also be carried out by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.




President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva were also informed of the project of a mosque complex to be built in Shusha.


It was noted that work on the project of the mosque has been completed and construction work has started.




President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva have viewed the current stage of restoration work carried out at the Mehmandarovs' Estate Complex in Shusha.


Assistant to President Anar Alakbarov informed the President and the First Lady of the work done.


The restoration work carried out by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation at the Mehmandarovs' Estate Complex in Shusha is underway.




As part of a trip to Shusha, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva have visited the area where the Shusha Boutique Hotel will be located.


Assistant to President Anar Alakbarov informed the head of state and the First Lady of the repair and restoration work carried out here.




President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva also viewed the repair and restoration work to be carried out at Shusha Realniy School.


Minister of Education Emin Amrullayev informed the President and the First Lady of the work to be done here.




On 10 May, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev attended the opening of the Shusha Digital Management Center owned by “Azerishig” OJSC in Shusha.


The chairman of “Azerishig” OJSC, Vugar Ahmadov, briefed the President on the conditions created at the management center.


It was noted that the Digital Management Center opened in Shusha was an important facility in terms of providing the city with sustainable and quality energy. Instead of the traditional three-stage 35/10-6/0.4 kV distribution networks, the circular power supply scheme installed in Shusha has been replaced with modern two-stage 35/0.4 kV networks.


The commissioning of the new network will eliminate the costs of construction, maintenance and operation of traditional 35/10 kV substations and 10 kV power transmission lines, minimize technological losses, reduce the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation on the environment and living organisms. Service personnel and technical vehicles will not be necessary and the quality of service will be improved. At the same time, the introduction of a modern SK-11 SCADA dispatch control system, which fully covers 110/35/0.4 kV networks, will expand the network's management capabilities. For the first time, the SK-11 SCADA dispatch control system will enable control of low-voltage (0.4 kV) circuits in the modern digital network model up until the end consumer.


Whereas the dispatch control system in distribution networks covered only high-voltage lines in the past, these capabilities have now been significantly expanded. As a result, the management of electricity from the point of purchase to the subscriber meter, the energy balance, quality, uninterrupted delivery, automatic recovery in case of accident, registration and archiving of information about networks by switching from paper to electronic media are now under full control thanks to the SK-11 system.


The Digital Control Center of 35/0.4 kV networks applied in Shusha for the first time has the capacity to connect to other substations and provides a stable and uninterrupted power supply to the city of Shusha.


For the first time in the field of electricity, the Shusha Digital Management Center is using alternative and renewable energy sources to provide power supply to substations in case of emergency and to compensate for special consumption needs of the substations. Technical and economic indicators have been enhanced and uninterrupted feeding of equipment was ensured.


President Ilham Aliyev launched the Shusha Digital Management Center owned by “Azerishig” OJSC.




After launching the Shusha Digital Management Center owned by “Azerishig” OJSC, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev made an address in front of the administrative building in the city.


Address by President Ilham Aliyev


-Today marks the 99th birth anniversary of great leader Heydar Aliyev. I visited Fuzuli and Shusha today. I was in Nakhchivan on 10 May last year. On 10 May this year, I am in Karabakh, in liberated Karabakh.


Heydar Aliyev rendered unparalleled services to the people of Azerbaijan. He stood by the people in the most difficult moments for our people, saved the people of Azerbaijan from great troubles and tragedies. Heydar Aliyev is the founding father of the Azerbaijani statehood and the Azerbaijani state, its founder. He dedicated his life to the people, and his greatest wish was to see Karabakh liberated again, to have our territorial integrity restored. As a result of his work in the field of state building and army building, the foundations of the state were laid and our country embarked on the path of development.


Unfortunately, my father did not live to see this day. Hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijanis like him died without experiencing the joy of this day. We, their successors, have completed their work, and my father's will has been fulfilled. Today, the souls of my father and hundreds of thousands of people who died without ever seeing this day, the souls of all our martyrs are happy. We have made their souls happy.


In 2003, for the first time, the people of Azerbaijan showed confidence in me and once again demonstrated their loyalty to the policy of the Great Leader. In my turn, I said that if the people of Azerbaijan showed confidence in me, I, as President, would follow the path of Heydar Aliyev, I will not turn back from this path and achieve the restoration of the territorial integrity of our country. I swore an oath. I am happy to have fulfilled my promise, and Karabakh is free today. Today, the Azerbaijani flag flies in Karabakh and Zangazur. After the liberation of Shusha, the Azerbaijani flag was raised on the roof of the administrative building behind me, and the victorious Azerbaijani soldiers reported to me about the liberation of Shusha. Today, on 10 May, I once again express my respect for the memory of the Great Leader and I want to assure the people of Azerbaijan that I will continue to do my best for the development of our people and our state, for the strengthening of our independence.


Karabakh is reviving today. Today I took part in several ceremonies in Fuzuli and Shusha. The construction and restoration work is in full swing in all the regions. Large-scale landscaping and restoration work is under way in all our liberated lands. As a matter of fact, cities and villages are being rebuilt. Because during the occupation, the enemy destroyed all our cities and villages, ravaged all our historical sites, and brought a city like Shusha, the pearl of Karabakh, the region and the Caucasus to a deplorable state. We, the true owners of these lands, have already returned, and this land and these skies are seeing that. They see another step is taken towards development that every day. Every day, a stone is placed on top of another. We will restore all the liberated lands.


I had to be here today, on 10 May. I had to express my respect for the memory of the Great Leader and the people of Azerbaijan, and I must say once again that we have returned to these lands, our native lands, and we will live here forever.


Karabakh is ours, Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

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