"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
Çap et 2234
A meeting was held at the State Committee with representatives of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
Görüşlər 09 April, 2024

On April 9, a meeting was held at the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons with Ms. Bik Lum, the representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in our country, and responsible staff members of the representation.

Chairman of the committee Rovshan Rzayev informed the guests about the activities of the institution in this area, stating that the measures determined for the effective organization of the return of former internally displaced persons to their native lands, as outlined in the First State Program on the Great Return to the territories liberated from occupation, are being successfully implemented based on the instructions of President Ilham Aliyev. It was noted that First Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva constantly monitors and takes care of the work being done to solve the problems of citizens from this category.

During the meeting, gratitude was expressed for the support of the UNHCR to refugees and internally displaced persons.

Ms. Bik Lum provided information about the current activities of the international organization she represents, its intentions to support the Great Return program in the upcoming period, and the work being done in this direction.

During the meeting, opinions were exchanged on the cooperation prospects between the UN High Commissioner for Affairs of Refugees and the State Committee, and issues of interest to the guests were addressed.


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