Based on the instruction of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, in accordance with the schedule of the reception of the citizens in cities and regions by the heads of central executive authorities, the Chairman of State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and IDPs, Rovshan Rzayev, received the citizens in Bilasuvar region on April 8.
The reception was attended by the citizens from Bilasuvar, Jalilabad and Jabrayil regions. Most of them was the IDPs who had sheltered in these regions. The matters of providing residential areas of special destination belonging to state housing fund, repair
of temporary housing areas, determination of unified monthly payment, employment and Great Return matters were preferred in the appeals.
The information was provided that the President Ilham Aliyev has taken necessary steps in order to strengthen social protection of the IDPs, and the first vice-president Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva pays special attention and care to the people of this category. He informed the citizens of the status of implementation of the instructions given by the head of state on restoration of liberated territories, as well of that the process of return of the IDPs to their native lands was started. He declared that residential areas for the IDPs are being built only on liberated territories and the works in this field shall be accelerated in the coming years. Within gradual return process those who live in the
most difficult conditions in temporary settlements shall be moved to new apartments first of all.
Some of the matters raised by the citizens during the reception were resolved on the spot. The chairman of State Committee declared that the matters raised in the appeals shall be investigated in a short time and corresponding measures shall be taken.