"... The problems of citizens expelled from all occupied regions and now living as refugees and internally displaced persons are the problem number one for us and for me personally".
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State Committee on Refugees and IDPs Issues (SCR) Board discusses the outcomes of the first three quarters of the current year
Mətbuat xidmətinin məlumatı 08 November, 2010
During the discussion of the issues which were included into the agenda of the Board gathering, chaired by Ali Hasanov, Deputy Prime Minister, it was mentioned that the growing of the economic power and international standing of the Republic day by day serves to the improvement of social welfare of the population and development of Azerbaijan. The duties coming out from the speech made by the State Head during the broad meeting, dedicated to the results of the social-economic development of the first three quarters of 2010, held with chairmanship of Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, were widely discussed in the Board gathering and clarification was brought to the works done during the passed period and the tasks standing ahead. It was mentioned that as usual, according to the State Programme and its Additions aimed at the solution of the problems of refugees and internally displaced people by the time they return to their homeland, a lot of work has been done in the field of improving social-living conditions of refugees and IDPs and increasing their employment, moving them to new settlements and high storey buildings, renovating the buildings occupied by them for temporary living. Repair works have been carried out in 41 living areas in the last 9 months by different construction companies and it is planned to carry out renovation works in 8 other places by the end of the year. There has been allocated certain amount from the State budget for renovation of living areas, where there is a need for repair of roofs, sewage system, water pipes, power lines, heating system. The number of densely populated living places in different regions of the country is 1647. The distribution of the humanitarian assistance has also been under focus during the past period. After the examining the list of IDPs eligible for the monthly subsistence allowance, 542,51 people were provided with monthly subsistence allowance in September of the current year. Based on orders issued by the SCR, humanitarian assistance consisted of industrial products in the value of over 522 thousand Manats has been allocated to executive powers of 20 regions and cities. Moreover in response to collective applications of refugee and IDP communities living compactly, and individual applications of vulnerable families with martyr, disabled members, as well as families suffered from captivity, humanitarian assistance consisted of industrial products in the value of over 152 thousand Manats has been distributed. Apart from the mentioned general assistance, 262 blankets and 196 tents have been distributed by the SCR to the same category beneficiaries during the past period of the current year. After examining the list of IDP families eligible for fuel assistance it is envisaged to provide 76,179 IDP families with fuel in the month of October of the current year. The number of beneficiary families is 3,746 less than the last years same period. Regarding the movement of IDPs to new settlements for the implementation of the State Programme approved by the Presidential Decree of 1 July 2004 and Additions approved by the Decree of 31 October 2007, during the Board gathering it was mentioned that at the moment for the implementation of the appropriate points of the Additions to the State Programme, preparation works are carried out for relocation of IDP families temporarily settled in Finnish type settlement and in the area of Guzanli of Aghdam region and in school buildings of the region to the settlement consisted of 689 houses constructed in the same area, and 612 IDP families temporarily settled in Finnish type settlement in Yevlakh region and in school buildings of the region to the urban living area consisted of 10 high storey buildings constructed in the area of Yevlakh region.In the Board gathering it was mentioned that all SCR employees will do their best to continue their efforts in achieving the goals set for the solution of various problems of refugees and IDPs. A.Hasanov, Deputy Prime Minister – Head of the SCR closed the Board gathering.
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